Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Monday, April 27, 2009
As I was milling through Gainesville's gym options for various and sundry reasons, I came across this pic...

This guy's one of the founders of that particular gym. I guess it's safe to say they don't have an RKC at that particular facility...

WORKOUT: Double 16kg C&P/Row 3 ladders of 4 rungs with 30 sec b/w rungs and 2 min b/w ladders. The last press of the last rung of the last 2 ladders was a pushpress. The last time I did this workout I was able to strictly press all the reps.

Double 16kg squats. 3 ladders of 3 rungs. Same rest scheme.

6 sets of 30 sec snatch L/30sec R/30 sec rest with the 16kg.--Got 9/side most rounds.

This was a solid workout if not my best performance. I'm not sure if my tad bit of residual nausea/illness was the culprit or if it was a result of my poor attendance rate over the last week or so. Regardless,I anticipate a better performance next time around.

Today is the first day in a week my nutrition has been spot on.


  1. maybe you should go and show them how it's done.

  2. That's absolutely crazy! But if you don't know that it's unsafe, ineffective, and ridiculous, I suppose you would think it's impressive. The same people impressed by that are also the avid consumers of the "Lose 10 pounds in 10 days" books.

    Congrats on spot-on nutrition!

  3. Yeah, I'm thinking they're beyond hopeless. I know this is making assumptions,but If this is any indication of their mental acuity, I'm pretty sure they're not smart enough to dig what I got to say.
