Sunday, June 20, 2010

My Current Challenge to Myself

Sunday, June 20, 2010

My eating habits, while by no means horrible, have fallen by the wayside a bit since returning from the CK-FMS. Today they go back on track as I start the Primal Blueprint eating plan. I can't exactly follow the fitness portion of it, but that will come after I assist at Level 1 in October...or maybe after I get my first pull up and pistol. So, here we go. I will follow this plan until the RKC in October (actually, I plan to follow it from here on out, but my punitive measures will last until October). I will have a splurge meal when my in-laws come in July, and at our friends' marriage on August 1st, then again for my birthday August 15. My splurge meal will be a meal, not whole day. My dessert will either be homemade or ordered at a restaurant or will be no more than half a pint of ice cream. The days I am visiting my parents I will relax quite a bit. I don't see my parents very often, and I don't have many more more opportunities to eat my mom's cooking or my dad's, so I'm not going to restrict this week. (One of the things I miss about my grandmother is cooking Sunday dinner with her and sitting down to that meal. I want to make the most of this opportunity with my parents.) And if I backslide? My friends will benefit, and I'll just rotate through the list sending books: Mr. Jenks, Mr. Enu, Ms. Blackburn, Mr. Alford, Mr. Calleo. The game is afoot.

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