Monday, July 21, 2008


Sunday, July 20, 2008
Work 6p-8a

Competition coupled with pride is an amazing thing. It can simultaneously drive me further than I ever believed I could go and make me feel horribly inferior, making me want to give up entirely at my pathetic effort.

After reading a post on a forum about a woman who snatches the 24kg for reps, I've thought a lot this weekend about how competitive I am. My initial reaction to her post was to be embarassed and seriously pissed at myself. After all, I'm proud just to snatch the 16 for reps. I thought I was doing something banging out 10 reps of double 12kg snatches like there was no tomorrow. How pathetic. Proud of such pitiful effort. I can't even snatch the 20 kg for more than one rep. Who cares that she's 6 feet 1 friggin' inch tall? That just means I should be at a height advantage--don't have to move the weight as far. And I'm She-Ra Princess of Power! I should be able to out-swing, out-snatch, out-jump, out- run every other non-professional female athlete out there. What a puss! I should just go back to the couch.


I AM ME. (See definition at right.) I am a better, healthier me than I was a year ago, 6 months ago. Somewhere out there, there will always be someone who is stronger, faster, smarter, more personable, better looking, a better doctor. Maybe even all of that "more" is encompassed out there in one person. But there will never be another me. Right now, I go out there, give everything I have, and I keep getting better, stronger. That's all I can ask of myself. Maybe one day snatching the 24 for reps will come easily. I certainly never dreamed of the day I'd be snatching the 16.

So instead of feeling inferior when I hear of what awesome thing someone else has achieved with their strength and/or endurance, I will be inspired. I will contemplate their effort and see if what they are doing is something I would like to do. If it is, I will work toward it. If not, I will be happy for them and happy to be me.

WORKOUT: I went heavy again today because I went to a friend's house last night and they prepared a good ol' Southern feast for me straight out of their garden. Finished it off with homeade ice cream. It was fine. Now back to work.

Today was the first time in a week that I haven't been just completely wiped out from the moment I got up to the second I went to sleep again.

Workout 1 w/ the 16kg:
TGU x 3L
TGU x 3 R
Row 30sec R
Row 30sec L
Thruster 30sec
Rest 30 sec of 6 times.

16kg swing ladders 10, 20, 30 for 5 rounds.

Workout 2
8kg split squat 30 sec R
8kg split squat 30sec L
Pushup 30 sec. of 6 times.

Deck Squat for 30 sec
Double 12kg c&P 30 sec
Rest 30 sec
... total of 6 times.

12kg double snatches 30 sec work/60 sec rest for 10 rounds.

I did the deck squat without weight for all but one round when I used a 12kg. I think Anthony C is right. It just might be harder without the weight, so I stuck with that.



  1. I wouldn't worry too much about the lady snatching 24kg. Different weight for different people. I consider 24kg my standard weight (heck I'm buying me a 32kg for my birthday). Even though I have 2 of them, I rarely swing the two together, and I can't remember the last time I tried double snatches with them. Heck the two haven't even been together in months.

    One was in the car, but now sits in the garage, the other sits in my house.

  2. i cant snatch the 24KG for reps, how about that?

  3. You guys always make me feel better. :)
