Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Utter Disappointment

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I took yesterday off after Monday's workout debacle. Haven't felt right since, so I'm probably taking today off, too. I gotta figure out what is going on.


  1. Make today a play day. Sort of like what I did last night. I went out with no plan, I went out with no workout to do, and I didn't even keep track of what I did, in terms of sets or reps. At least when it came to the pull-ups.

    Sometimes we all take our workouts too seriously.

  2. Jen,

    I have been there and done! I had it happen yesterday too and it makes me a bit newvous since I am off to MN soon. At least we will have each other to look after the other:) WE ARE GONNA DO IT!
