Thursday, October 23, 2008


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Good friends show a person how to be better, challenge a person to be better. It is a gift given one friend to another.

I have two nemeses: jumping and push-ups.

And I have a friend who knows this and pushes me to be better. Thus the bodyweight workout portion of today's workout.

5 rounds of the following for time:
Pullups with a green band and a purple band for assistance x 5
Box Jumps which were jumps over about an 18" soft obstacle since I don't have a sturdy box x 5
Push-ups--focusing on perfect form x 5
Assisted pistol 1/side (I actually almost did this without the assistance on the first round)
Hindu push-ups x 5 for the first two rounds then increased to 8
Alternating jumping lunges x 20

Today was feeling this out a bit, so this will be more seamless next time. Time: 24'36"

AMAP 16kg TGU in 15 min. Turns out today that was 18. I used my refillable bell which actually made it a little more difficult. The bell portion of it has a wider diameter and therefore requires more forearm to stabilize it.

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