Saturday, October 18, 2008

Foot Cheese Salad

Friday, October 17, 2008
Work 6p-8a--155.5#

I know. It sounds not only ridiculous but disgusting. Unfortunately, my coworkers started calling my favorite salad by this name because the feta cheese in it bestows upon it an aroma reminiscent of feet. At least that's what they say. My sniffer is defective, an oddity that can come in handy in the ER.

I ate this a lot a while back and decided to revisit it a few weeks ago when I started a Warrior Diet-type program. As I was making it today, I decided I would post it in hopes that some of you would share some of your favorite salads in the comments.

Foot Cheese Salad

Large bowl (~3-4c) dark, leafy greens--spring mix or spinach works best. This really isn't very good with iceberg or sweet butter type greens.
1/4 chopped walnuts
2 tbsp dried cranberries
1/4c low fat feta cheese
2 tbsp dressing. My favorite for this salad in Newman's Own Light Honey Mustard.
Toss and Enjoy

Nutritional Breakdown: Calories 340 Fat 20.5 grams Carbohydrates 30 gms Protein 13 grams

WORKOUT: None today.


  1. Hey Jen, I love feta cheese! I don't think it smells like stinky feet. Thanks for the recipe, I'll try it.

  2. Based on the name I don't think i could eat that! The imagery of stinky feet while eating... I don't know. It sounds great sans the feta cheese though!
